Trying to Conceive Ticker

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quote Bank 01

"Prayer is important for it:
quiets the heart, clears the vision, strengthens faith and makes things happen"~

God has arranged events and placed people in our lives for a reason.
In the same way, we have been appointed to be part of someones's life for a reason as well.
Let's make that reason count because for every life we touch, we are gaining treasures for our own."~

"God's richest blessings,
truest joy,
constant love,
tender guidance,
calming peace and
enriching presence
be yours today and always."~

"Prayer is when you talk to God,
Meditation is when you listen to God,
Contemplation is when you are intimate with God.
Take time for Him who loved us first."~

When we live according to the standards of the world:
Success. Money. power. Beauty and Prestige.
We live in fear for all these can be lost.
To live in faith with a peaceful heart is much more than them."~

The tongue weighs practically nothing, but few can hold it.
Kind words make good echoes.
Sweet words leaves sweet thought."~

"-- A tree that has deep roots can survive every storm.
A person who has deep faith in God can survive any problem that may come along the way."~

"To fail means you've tried.
To hurt means you've loved. and
To survived means you've learned.
All is meant to be well in the end."~

As we breath right now... others take their last. So appreciate your life.
Never mind what you don't have, start living for what you have.
Let's thank god for entrusting another day to our borrowed life.
Indeed, there's so much to be thankful for today."~

"It is when our hearts continue to burn with love that others are saved from dying of the cold."~

"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when ther's nothing left to take away.
Perfection lies not in impeccability but in surrender to the Mercy of God."~

"Wisdom is oftentimes acquired when we stumble, not when we succeed.
Our defeats leave us wiser than our triumph,
By faith we live,
By love we serve,
By patience we understand,
By trials we gain wisdom,
By sharing we give joy."~

"The world may define surrender as losing bu God defines surrender as victory.
It is only when we surrender our problems, worries and doubts to God
That we allow and give him the power to intervene."~

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